6 Workouts I do to keep FIT, ACTIVE, and MENTALLY HEALTHY

I have struggled with depression for many years. About six months ago, I plunged into my worst episode yet.

I am still recovering. I spent some time on antidepressants and I see a counsellor every week. But one of the most important parts of regaining control of my life has been making a true commitment to take the best care I can of myself and my body.

Over the years, depression has messed with my appetite and more or less killed my desire to exercise. A few months ago I was practically bedridden, and had a dangerous habit of under-eating. Once I got a little better, I seized the chance to change this for good. I’d been as close to hell as I ever cared to get, and I knew I would do anything to avoid going back.

It’s taken time, but as my appetite has made a comeback I have made an effort to eat as healthily as possible. With the calories and energy I need to fuel it, I’ve established a steady and committed exercise routine for the first time in years.  I’d spent years knowing that I needed to work on my fitness, but I could never get motivated (those of you who have experienced depression will know what I’m talking about). I’ve finally found my motivation, and I’m clinging onto it for dear life.

I’m delighted with how much I’m enjoying working out, and I’m really loving experimenting with different activities and classes. In fact, I think I might be getting slightly addicted!

So if you’re wanting to take better care of your mental health, shed a few pounds, or just work on your general fitness levels, you might get some ideas from this post!

Here are 6 things I do to keep FIT, ACTIVE, and MENTALLY HEALTHY: 

1.Walking (ideally in nature) 


Okay, I’m aware that going for a walk isn’t really something most people consider to be a legitimate workout. However I am a huge believer that it is incredibly important, especially for those of us who struggle with our mental health.

When you have depression, everybody tells you to exercise. But they DO NOT UNDERSTAND how difficult that is, especially when you’re at your lowest point and tasks such as washing a plate or putting on a pair of shoes feel like mission impossible.

If you’re in this place, start with walking. There was a time when going for a walk was incredibly difficult for me, I could barely get out the door. I explained to my Dad how desperate I was feeling, and he made an effort to get me out of the house and moving. NEVER hesitate to ask for help, it makes such a difference.

The fresh air helped, and by the time I was ready to begin some more strenuous workouts the basic fitness levels I’d maintained simply by walking came in handy.

But enjoying a stroll in not just for the unfit, the mentally unwell, or the elderly. In the age of CrossFit, ultramarathons, and bodybuilding insanity, more and more people are forgetting that exercise does not have to mean pushing your body to the limit several times a week. Health is about eating well and being activeand you don’t need to be able to lift a ten tonne truck to qualify.

When you go out for a walk, try to make it in nature. This will maximize the benefits, as it’s so much better for your wellbeing than spending time in an urban area. However, if this isn’t possible for you then a ramble around the city is much better than nothing!

2. Yoga


Both my psychiatrist and my counsellor recommended mindfulness and meditation when I was at my worst a few months ago. I tried apps, I tried guided meditations on YouTube, I tried doing everyday activities mindfully. But I failed miserably and actually became even more stressed because I was trying so damn hard to switch off my thoughts and relax…but getting nowhere with it.

Enter yoga.

I fell in love with yoga almost instantly. Not only is it a fantastic physical workout, it can (and should) be used as a “moving meditation”.

To be honest, I don’t think I’ve quite mastered the meditation aspect of it yet! In fact, I reckon I’m pretty bloody far from that point! However, I feel very calm and at peace by the end of a good yoga class…so clearly it’s doing something for me!

What many people don’t realise is that “yoga” in an umbrella term and that there are many styles you can choose from. So far I have been to Vinyasa, Ashtanga, Hatha, Yin, Yin Yang, Forrest, and Hot Yoga classes. The styles can be really quite different and I am loving the variety. I have enjoyed every style I have tried with the exception of Hot Yoga (went to one class, never again, it was a sweaty shitemare).

So if you go to a yoga class and you think it’s shit, TRY ANOTHER ONE. You probably just hated that particular style, or perhaps the teacher just wasn’t doing it for you.

At this point I’d like to quickly mention one of my main sources of inspiration when it comes to the wonderful world of yoga – Michelle of BananaBlondie108 on YouTube. This woman really is the tits. I watched a few of her videos and I was like “when I grown up…I want to be YOU”. She is hilarious, she knows her shit when it comes to yoga, and she is proof that you don’t need to be the most spiritual person on the planet to be a yogi. She is also hot as fuck.


3. Pilates

one caucasian woman exercising pilates exercises fitness in silh

After a few weeks of yoga I became intrigued by Pilates. Many people don’t even realise there is a difference between the two, but they’re not as similar as you might expect. In my opinion it’s definitely worth doing both.

I’ve mainly been going to Matwork Pilates, however there are classes involving the use of machines such as the Reformer and the Cadillac (this is one of the main ways in which Pilates differs from yoga) which are interesting to try! Pilates is relaxing but lacks the spiritual aspect provided by yoga – some may see this as a disadvantage, whilst those who like to avoid hippy-dippy shit might prefer it.

Personally I have been loving Pilates as it’s challenging but feels healthy and safe. It doesn’t give you that “I’m going to die” feeling that so many workouts do. Pilates is about training and strengthening your body so that you are better equipped to deal with the pains and strains of everyday life. It’s truly about health, it is not about mindlessly burning calories like a maniac. I genuinely think it will help improve my quality of life long term, and that’s why I love it.


4. Running 


This is a hobby I NEVER thought I’d have. I bloody hated running when I was growing up and whenever it was time for cross-country at school I wanted to curl up in a ball and die.

But for some strange reason, running became interesting to me recently. I really wanted it to be something I could enjoy, simply because it’s so convenient. It doesn’t matter where you are…you just get dressed, get outside, and start running. And it’s free! All you really need to invest in is a good pair of running shoes.

So I decided to try to force myself to like running. Somehow I managed to recruit my best friend, and we started running three times per week using one of those “Couch to 10K” style schedules. There are LOADS of great plans like this on Pinterest – just search “running for beginners” and you’ll find something that appeals to you.

It’s been tough at times, but I don’t hate it. I don’t love doing it, but I DO love the feeling of having done it. I’m always so pleased with myself once I finish a run, and I must admit that I don’t really get this feeling in the same way when I do other workouts. That’s why I’ll be sticking with it.

If you’re the competitive type, running is a fantastic option for you. My friend and I entered a 10K race to help keep us motivated, but it turned out to be fraudulent event (haha shit, maybe that’s a sign I shouldn’t be a runner?). However I am going to sign up for another one. This is one of the best things about running – there are races of various lengths ALL THE TIME. There is almost always going to be something going on somewhere near you (even Antarctica has a marathon). Races are a great way to set goals, especially for those who love winning! I’m not really like that though, so I’ll be delighted as long as I can finish!

You can also join a running club or check out your local Park Run.

The last advantage of running I’m going to mention is this: you have to cross-train. Yes, I do think of this as an advantage. Runners need to supplement their workouts by doing other forms of exercise. These workouts need to be ones which help build strength, and therefore help to prevent running injuries. So, going for a run three times a week forces you to engage in other forms of exercise, unless you want to get hurt. This is the reason I first started doing yoga, something I adore!


5. Barrefit

Beautiful woman working out next to a barre in gym


I did ballet from the age of four until I was seventeen. It feels nice to be back at the barre!

But it’s very different from when you’re little – you don’t need your leotard! You just go barefoot and wear your usual choice of workout clothes.

The class I go to is described as incorporating a little bit of ballet, a little bit of yoga, a little bit of Pilates and a little bit sports conditioning. From what I can see, Pilates is the heaviest influence. Most of the class takes place at the barre but there are also mat exercises involved. It’s upbeat and really good fun, without being too crazy.

From the research I’ve done it seems like all “barre fitness” classes are a little different, with different brands and studios putting their own spin on the idea.

I really recommend giving it a go – it’s very fashionable right now but it’s not just a dumb fad, it’s a challenging and effective way to exercise. A friend of mine went to a barre class and said she found it really strenuous…and she’s a professional dancer! Don’t let that put you off though – there are most certainly no prima ballerinas in the class I go to!

6. TRX Functional Training

Women doing push ups training arms with trx fitness straps in th


This is a circuit training class that combines the use of TRX suspension rope exercises with the use of a range of other equipment such as rip trainers, slam balls and kettlebells.

I have to confess, I’m being completely and utterly ridiculous by including this in my list. Why? Because I’ve only been once. I’ll be honest, it was really fucking hard. But I felt amazing once it was over.  I’m kind of scared to go again but I don’t want to let it beat me, so I’ve decided to include it in the blog and promise to provide an update! This is my way of getting my brain to commit to it. I’m at the stage now where a bit of a challenge is really good for my mental health. I am determined to love this class and reap its benefits!

This is a great way to improve your strength, get some great cardio in, and get really sweaty! If you want a workout that is fast paced and full of variety this is for you!

So what do you enjoy doing to keep fit? Do you like something crazy or do you stick to the calmer options? Have you ever struggled with depression? Does exercise help? Comment below and let’s inspire each other!

Lots of love xxx

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